"We all float down here!"
To be fair, that was the only thing I knew of the killer clown, The Loser's Club and Derry, Maine. And believe me, I was FINE with that. Until a friend teased that "IT" (1990) was way too scary for me. And I insisted on reading the book before watching the movie.
1153 pages. 69 days. The longest it has EVER taken me to read any book.
The 1990 film version does NOT do the book justice until, in my opinion, the very end. Now, my friend in the photo is roughly in the area I was when I started feeling bad for the killer clown, Pennywise. He was lonely! He just wanted some friends! Wouldn't you go to the extreme to have a friend after spending the better half of eternity in isolation?
Just me?
Oh. Moving on.
Now, this was the first Stephen King book I ever attempted. I know. I started out with a big one. "IT" is one of King's most well-known, respected work-of-arts I've ever heard about. I've watched "The Stand" and "The Dead Zone" but never attempted reading them. I figured I didn't have time. And besides, the King of Horror wasn't for me.
But THIS MASTERPIECE of a book? For the love of all that is good and holy on God's green earth, READ THIS BOOK. I never really get involved in books. Okay, no, I do. But this book pulls you in and refuses to let you out alive, much like Pennywise with The Loser's Club and Georgie and all the other victims. You don't leave "IT" unscathed. You will have images haunting you for days to come. You will have feelings and thoughts you may have forgotten about in the progressing of child to adult. And, at the end, you'll find yourself missing the members of the club and wanting to be able to call them up and say, "Hey, remember that summer we did that thing?" Even though you weren't there. But you were. Because Pennywise isn't the scariest monster you've encountered.
If you have the time, the want, the need and/or the simple curiosity of reading "IT", I can't recommend it enough. The 2017 movie, I'm sad to say, I can't bring myself to watch. I bought it for $5 on Black Friday last year and it still sits on the shelf, wrapped in the shiny wrapper, beckoning to be watched.
At this time in my life, I value my sleep. Maybe eventually I'll work up the courage. But until then, I'll allow Pennywise to beckon from afar...as long as he stays IN the book and not out of it...