That was just mean. On a number of levels.
A wonderful friend of mine lent me this book with the caution to read it with a box fo tissues. Now, the last book I cried severely at was "The Little Paris Bookshop" by Nina George. That book ripped my heart out, tore it to pieces, stomped on it, set fire to it and let it burn. I've still never forgiven it.
"Jane Two" repeated the process.
The story, written by actor Sean Patrick Flanery (Boondock Saints, The Dead Zone), centers around Mickey and his falling for the girl next door. Now, she's not just any girl-next-door. Jane is the unicorn in Mickey's life. The rarest of gems, the most beautiful human being -- sorry, unicorn -- in Mickey's world. And boy, does he fall for her hard.
From the story, you grow with Mickey as he realizes the emotions swelling in his chest are love for his beloved Jane, who signs her paintings "Jane Two". He leaves little hints, little notes, meetings that only fate and destiny could coincide for, follow Mickey and Jane.
If you can't remember the first time you ever fell in love, this book will rip your heart out in the most innocent of ways and make you remember. If you can remember, or you're experiencing it right now, you will laugh at Mickey's antics and feel even more love for your person.
But...everything must end eventually. Usually, I can see endings like this one coming a mile away. I was prepared...I was READY! But no...this ending crept into my heart and made me melancholy and deeply grieved. I grieved with those who were grieving and I refused to read the last few chapters because NO, NO THAT IS NOT HOW THIS ENDS FOR THEM NO!
But it is. And despite Jane Two forever making a lasting memory in Mickey's heart, she also made it in mine. Definitely read this with a box of tissues...or with something to catch your tears. Because there will be lots of them. And be sure to remember your first love with fond memories...you never know when they just might creep back into your heart again.